Tuesday 7 June 2016

Gnocchi with pear cranberry and gorgonzola sauce

This time I cook under something like a campsite situation. My kitchen is cleared out of all the usual stuff that is hanging, standing around and crowding my workspace to get a renovation. Everything is packed in boxes and bags and is all over the place now. And it is really no fun, because the moment you packed utensils or herbs away you haven´t used in weeks, you will need them for a dish you will prepare now.

My local supermarket had a sale on electric table grills from Tefal today and since more or less everybody will start to grill their Bratwurst when the European Soccer Championship starts this weekend, I will smoke the area too. So I can cook on my balcony the next 2 days.

But for the last time, I used the space and the hob and a small oven to prepare a quick dish.
I bought a package of Gnocchi today and had some pears to go with them.

500 g ready made Gnocchi- you don´t need to cook them before you use them
150 g Gorgonzola
200 ml cream
2 tbsp pine nuts
1 tbsp butter
2 medium pears or one small one
2 tbsp water
2 tbsp cranberrysauce  or Preiselbeersauce
lots of fresh ground pepper

Stick the Gnocchi into an oven proof dish and preheat the oven to 150 C.

Melt the butter in a pan and add the pine nuts, brown them a bit and scoop them out to the Gnocchi, leaving most of the butter in the pan.
You can peel the pears if the skin is not nice, otherwise use them with the skin for texture. Chop them into small pieces and add to the butter for 2 or 3 minutes.
You should get some pear juice out of them, if they are not ripe enough just add the water.
Scoop the pears to the Gnocchi and leave the juice in the pan.

Add the cream and the cranberry sauce and the Gorgonzola in small chunks.
Melt the cheese and season well and pour over the Gnocchi.

Stick that into the oven for 25 minutes.

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